Painless, Immediate Relief from Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Ms JT – Patient

Benefits of rTMS for Generalised Anxiety Disorder

This type of treatment for Generalised Anxiety Disorder is non-invasive and requires no medication. We understand how difficult it is for so many people to take medication for their anxiety or depression. Often pills are ineffective and can have some unwanted side-effects. For many people however, pills are ineffective and have no benefit.
The TMS for anxiety method may be used alongside medication but doesn’t require it to start seeing results. Furthermore, our process is pain-free and, therefore, requires absolutely no anaesthetics or sedatives. In addition to avoiding unwanted side effects, rTMS acts much faster than anti-depressants and doesn’t require the patient to change their daily activities, as our method is based on science and is not routine.

How rTMS Can Treat Generalised Anxiety Disorder

This technology has been developing for over 30 years and since 2008 has been recognised by the FDA in America as a treatment for generalised anxiety disorder , as well as being approved in England BY NICE, where we are proud to be the first centre in the north-west to provide this treatment.
rTMS works by stimulating targeted areas of the brain, associated with anxiety, with magnetic pulses. These magnetic pulses target the nerve cells in the region of the brain which control mood, it can activate regions of the brain that have decreased activity, which is common in people with Generalised Anxiety Disorder.
Why Choose Us?
"After many years of trying many different medications, therapies and even ECT, I am so pleased to have found Tranquil TMS. I have been having treatment for a few weeks now, and there has been significant improvement in both anxiety and depression problems.
I am taking much less medication and have had no side effects. I was concerned TMS would aggravate my (almost always present) stress headaches, but on the contrary, they have now disappeared completely. Also, the staff are lovely. Friendly, courteous and genuinely care about what they are doing. Highly recommended."
Mrs PM - Patient
"Having suffered with depression for 15 years I entered a period of crisis for which I sought the help from TranquilTMS. My initial consultation identified that before depression treatment should start it would be beneficial to treat anxiety. This was excellent advice and within a week of anxiety treatment I felt able to cope with normal life without panic and nervousness.
I have received 20 sessions for depression and have seem my condition dramatically improve week by week, being virtually back to leading a normal happy life as a working mother of three. Without the intervention of TMS I feel sure my episode of depression would of continued for a longer a period of time and this treatment has provided a fast and effective recovery which has allowed me to have minimal interruption to family life and my employment.
The procedure is painless and results are immediate without the introduction of changes in medication. I was able to continue with normal activities immediately after the procedure such as driving.
I thoroughly recommend TMS treatment for both anxiety and depression and should I have future episodes of depression or anxiety I will have no hesitation in using this treatment again.
Both Dr Deshpande and Nurse provide an excellent service making me feel relaxed and at ease with the whole process. They both have a passion for the treatment of mental health and the service they provided has helped me recover much quicker than the normal medication route."
Ms JT - Patient

rTMS Treatment Fees

Initial Phone Consultation (20 minutes with a Doctor): Free
In person consultation (2.5hours with a Doctor): £300
Course of treatment: Bespoke to individual based on history & severity
Referral Process
Frequently Asked Questions
How many sessions will I need?
TMS treatment is generally given 5 days a week for up to 4-6 weeks. The number of sessions needed for positive results is different for each person. This will be decided by the consultant and will be discussed at initial appointment.
What does a rTMS treatment feel like?
You may feel a tapping sensation on the area of your scalp underneath the plate, in rhythm with the magnetic pulses. Other than this, however, there are no physical sensations. Patients often choose to read, listen to music or rest during the sessions.
What is the difference between ECT and rTMS therapy?
Both ECT and rTMS are accepted treatments for depression and other mood-related conditions. One of the main differences, however, is that rTMS treatment is non-invasive and also does not require any anaesthetic. While there are a range of side-effects associated with ECT, only minimal side effects are related to rTMS therapy.
Is there a recovery period after rTMS session?
There is no recovery period after a rTMS session, and you can resume your daily activities immediately. Some patients may feel mild scalp irritation or tingling after their first session, but this usually goes away on subsequent visits.
What are the contraindications to rTMS?
Anyone with metal implants, aneurysm clips and coils, cardiac pacemakers, cardiac defibrillators, facial tattoos that may have magnetic ink or ink that is sensitive to magnets, implanted stimulators, metal implants in the ears or eyes, stents in the neck or brain, bullet fragments or shrapnel near the head. Contraindications also include epilepsy and other neurological conditions.
What are the benefits of rTMS?
- Easily Tolerated
- Non-invasive and no medication
- No anaesthesia or sedation
- No change in daily activities
- Minimal side effects
- Quicker response compared to antidepressants
What are the Side Effects of rTMS?
One of the main benefits of rTMS is its minimal side effects. The potential side effects of rTMS include discomfort at the site of stimulation, scalp discomfort, transient headache, neck pain and facial twitching during treatment. In very rare cases, a seizure may occur.
“Recent NICE guidance (IPG 542) concluded that evidence on rTMS for depression showed no major safety concerns.” -The Royal College of Psychiatrists
Testimonial From Happy Patient
Hello to everyone at Tranquil TMS.I just wanted to wish you a Very Happy and Successful year.I hope many more people like me get to experience the benefits of TMS as I have.I have have the best Christmas in approx 15 years.I was able to decorate the whole house and two Christmas tree's (now I'm showing off!) Mum said she has done it for the last 15 years as I haven't been able to leave my bedroom.I was able to spend the whole day with friends and family but more importantly to me I was fully present I didn't use alcohol or medication to suppress any feelings I couldn't cope with and I didn't disassociate once.I was real and alive and my family and friends were all able to see and feel that.I am excited to see not what 2020 brings but what I can make happen in 2020 because I feel I have a life and hope again.
Book Your Free 10 Minute Chat
To find out more about the potential benefits of rTMS treatment, or to book your first session, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team in Cheadle today. Whether you’re in Manchester, Liverpool, Cheshire, or further afield, we are here to help.
A New Treatment For Anxiety and Depression.
Rated Good By The CQC In August 2022